Taco Bell Explore is a new loyalty program that turns loyalty into a game and flips the traditional ‘buy-stuff, get-discounts, buy-more-stuff’ loyalty model on its head. Using social listening algorithms players win increasingly awesome prizes just for living their lives—like going to the beach, taking a road trip with friends, or eating at Taco Bell.
Taco Bell Explore is our shared game and shared movement.
We’re celebrating shaking things up, doing what’s unexpected, and inspiring everyone around you. We reward you for being you. For being awesome. For catching daily moments, both small and epic.
For playing your life, because life should be fun.

We knew the mark had to reflect the energy of the audience, the game, and the brand. This became especially important as the stakes continued to rise from our partner’s side.
In addition to the Taco Bell Explore brand we created online and app collateral to support the launch of their loyalty program.
Agency: eROI
Strategy: Cher Fuller
Content Strategy: Spencer Foxworth
Design: Amy Meservier
Development: Heidi Olsen
Beginner Female Athletes became a global focus as the primary gateway-shopper for households, who responded to a softer, more warm tone than Nike’s traditional marketing usually delivered. We found BFAs while analyzing years of customer and eCommerce data, championing a global campaign that highlighted their need to start somewhere.
Agency: eROI
Strategy: Matt Popkes
Content Strategy: Trevor Orton
Design: Riley Powell
Development: Nike internal

Stumptown Coffee Roasters wanted to simultaneously elevate its email marketing efforts and launch a new “gifting” option for its coffee subscription service for the holiday season.
Agency: eROI
Strategy: Phil Herbert
Content Strategy: Spencer Foxworth
Design: Robin V. Clark
Development: Heidi Olsen

Originally the Congress focused on discounts and the allure of Las Vegas to market their biannual event. We created equity and loyalty among attendees, and increased attendance by redirecting their brand around three brand pillars: GAIN. CONNECT. GROW.
Agency: eROI
Strategy: Phil Herbert
Design &
Art Direction: Tatiana Mac
Development: Matt Grantski